Dietary supplements to increase immunity

Who produces? The pharmaceutical industry has long been producing a wide variety of dietary supplements for immunity. The benefits of these specialized dietary supplements have been confirmed by numerous studies, and therefore are undeniable.

How to choose? However, it is not worth buying at a pharmacy or ordering the first dietary supplements on the Internet. First you need to figure out which additives are suitable in this or that case. And here a consultation with a doctor will help you. Although it does not hurt to have your own idea about these drugs.

The structure of the immune system

The immune system is the main defender of a person, without which the body is unlikely to cope with bacteria, infections, diseases, and other dangers. The immune system interacts with all organs and parts of the body, helping to neutralize the threat in time.

The organs of the immune system include:

  • Tonsils are important organs in humans, because it is in them that immune cells are located. If the throat is weakened, the infection can easily get through the nasopharynx and strike the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Thymus (thymus gland) – hides behind the sternum, where “health protection” determines bacteria. These assistants are called — T-lymphocytes.
  • Spleen – protects the body with phagocytosis (the process of purifying the blood by destroying “enemies”). Previously, scientists did not realize the importance of the spleen, as they could not understand why this organ was needed. Although it is here that the “stock” of immune cells is located.
  • Small intestine – protects the gastrointestinal tract with the help of clusters of solitary lymphatic follicles called Peyer’s plaques.
  • Bone marrow – produces certain blood cells that provide genetic homeostasis.
  • Lymph nodes are located along the lymph flow, where not only cells remain after the threat is destroyed. Here are the elements responsible for immune memory (they store information about foreign agents that have been in the body).

Each immune cell belongs to a species, the main of which are:

  • The body’s assistants are T-lymphocytes, T-killers (fighting for the disappearance of harmful bodies), T-suppressors (working on the effectiveness of the immune response), T-helpers (collecting information about the violator, passing the material to other “colleagues”). The group was formed in the thymus, from where it got its prefix.
  • B-lymphocytes synthesize unique proteins called immunoglobulins. Such antibodies destroy harmful substances by enveloping.
  • Neutrophils and macrophages – help to form phagocytosis, destroying the particles of the malignant process and warning other departments about the danger.
  • Natural killers are a talking name that implies the extermination of virus–affected cells.
  • Basophils – cause cells of the immune system to fight inflammation with the help of cytokines.
  • Eosinophils – fight allergens and helminths.

Innate and acquired immunity

The immune system is divided into two main functional divisions:

  • Innate immunity (also known as “natural”).
  • Acquired immunity (also known as “specific” or “adaptive”).

The infant’s innate immunity develops not only in the uterus, but also after birth. In the womb, the fetus is safe, as it is covered by the mother’s health — through the placenta. On its own, nonspecific immunity is more likely to lose the battle against infections than to win. The innate is able to be the first to identify a threat and warn the whole body about it, so that a specific immunity is connected.

Specific immunity is divided into two types: active — manifests itself when unexplored bacteria (new to the immune system) enter the body; passive – occurs when encountering bacteria from colostrum, vaccinations. The immune system, when encountering unknown infections, prepares and remembers a blow to foreign agents. This is necessary in order to recognize the danger and easily win the next time.

Unlike innate, acquired immunity directly depends on a person and is formed gradually. The process depends on many vital factors, the characteristics of the organism and the bacteria with which the protective system came into contact. It is important to maintain health by paying special attention to your diet, which may contain a lack of nutrients.

The effect of dietary supplements on the immune system

Doctors analyze the state of health of people with different diagnoses, age groups, and living conditions. The data obtained help to form the concept of the immune system.

Many observations have shown that the abundance of vitamins A, C, E, B6, folic acid, iron, zinc, selenium in the body is important for the immune system. Excess of these substances, excess weight can significantly affect the body, and thereby harm.

A healthy lifestyle is very important. It should be understood that it is possible to achieve the maximum effect from additives (which may contain ginger, herbal products, immunoglobulins A and E, and other useful substances) only with proper, balanced nutrition. To achieve the result, good activity and sports are equally important.

General rules for taking dietary supplements

The duration of the course to strengthen immunity with dietary supplements is always indicated on the product instructions. It is important to take breaks after the end of the reception, which is noted by doctors and manufacturers themselves. The doctor will decide how long to postpone the repetition of the course. It is known that usually the minimum pause lasts 30 days. If this moment is neglected, the body will stop absorbing vitamins and will feel bad without them.

You can only drink pills with water. Any other drinks, for example, tea, do not provide full absorption of the components. And coffee, increasing the pressure, can significantly worsen the condition.

The use of alcoholic beverages at the same time with pills is prohibited in order to avoid feeling unwell and even fainting.

Not only adults and children are victims of reduced immunity, because this problem especially concerns the elderly. Pensioners often complain of illnesses that have long since become chronic. All because of a lack of treatment, which led to the loss of the body. To avoid exacerbations from diseases, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. Many companies specially manufacture drugs suitable for this age group. In the pharmacy, you can often find marks “50+”, “60+”.

According to researchers’ statistics, it is believed that men have the most pathologies due to cardiovascular diseases. Often patients do not pay due attention to additional supplements to maintain their health. In order to accurately adjust the work of blood vessels, you can use the help of drugs containing the necessary complex of vitamins. It is important that the composition includes potassium, vitamin B, magnesium, etc.

Pharmaceuticals has issues for a female audience too, for example, for girls during pregnancy or breastfeeding. In order for the baby to be healthy and well formed in the womb, parents are recommended to add minerals to their diet. Useful substances can be obtained through vitamins, so a strengthening course must be carried out 3 months before conception.

Important! Despite the variety of drugs, you need to visit your doctor so that he gives an appointment or permission to use suitable dietary supplements. Usually, the choice of a tool is based on the results of a general analysis that shows the missing elements.

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