Important vitamins and trace elements for sleep difficulties

Sleep disorders are a common problem in modern society. And it cannot be postponed, because unhealthy sleep accelerates the aging process of the body and leads to various dangerous diseases. Among the many causes of insomnia and restless sleep is poor nutrition, due to which the human body is deficient in vitamins and trace elements. Which of the nutrients are especially important for falling asleep?

Healthy sleep and nutrition

According to experts-somnologists, those who have no problems with sleep do not:

  •  85% of the total sleep time is spent in bed,
  •  falls asleep within 30 minutes or less,
  •  wakes up no more than once at night and can fall asleep immediately (within 20 minutes or less).

If it is difficult for a person to fulfill such conditions, it means that he has certain problems with sleep and the process of falling asleep. The most common culprits of somnological disorders are excessive anxiety, depression, stress and other psychological problems. But it often happens the other way around: poor sleep causes increased anxiety and depression, because sleep and mental health are closely interrelated.

In addition to external factors, unhealthy diet can also affect the internal state of a person. If the daily diet is not balanced and does not contain important vitamins and trace elements, then the risks of getting psychological disorders are noticeably increased. It is desirable that the diet includes all the useful substances. But there is a list of vitamins and minerals that are especially important to use for increased anxiety, depression and sleep disorders.

Glory to the solar vitamin!

It is produced by the human body under the influence of sunlight. Vitamin D can positively affect the quality and duration of sleep. With a lack of this vitamin, it is often difficult to fall asleep, apnea and various sleep disorders develop. In addition to sunlight, which leads to the formation of vitamin, it is useful to include egg yolks, fish oil and fortified milk in the diet for its balance in the body.

A powerful antioxidant and a female vitamin

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent and slow down the first signs of aging. But another merit of his is the fight against “restless legs syndrome”, which is one of the main causes of sleep problems. Most people who have had a disturbed sleep pattern suffer from this syndrome. The disease is aggravated by a lack of vitamin E in the body. With the right dosage, it can really help in the treatment and improve sleep.

Studies also prove that vitamin E effectively relieves the symptoms of menopause. Especially such as night sweats and hot flashes, which cause sleep disorders from moderate to high severity. It is useful for women in the perimenopausal phase to consume this vitamin to reduce stress and anxiety caused by early symptoms of menopause. In addition to quality sleep, such therapy will reduce mood swings and irritability, which are closely related to hormonal changes in a woman. Vitamin E can be obtained from nuts, green leafy vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to coordinate the use of supplements with tocopherol with a doctor. Another bonus of the vitamin is its beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Vitamins for stress and anxiety

Experts say that vitamins B3, B5, B6, B9 and B12 are remarkably effective in combating insomnia and stress. Poor sleep often happens with a lack of these nutrients. They promote rapid falling asleep, provide energy balance, reduce anxiety, as they are responsible for regulating the level of the amino acid tryptophan in the body. Thanks to it, melatonin is produced, which causes sleep.

Thus, controlling the level of tryptophan in the body is extremely important in order to sleep better, be less nervous and not succumb to psychological disorders. In addition, B vitamins work together to stimulate the normal functioning of the nervous system, which is necessary for the health and vitality of the body. This greatly alleviates the symptoms of stress and depression that cause sleep problems. Despite the fact that there are many vitamin complexes with group B, they can also be found in animal products: meat, fish, dairy products, liver, nuts and eggs. Some cereals, whole grains and legumes are also enriched with B-vitamins.

Immunity Helper

Vitamin C, the most popular and beloved by many, can also be considered as one of the useful ingredients for a restful sleep and reducing anxiety. It enhances immunity and resistance to common diseases. A healthy immune system helps to improve health and strengthen the body, which, in turn, can help in the fight against sleep disorders.

One of the important reasons why vitamin C needs to be regularly introduced into the diet is that the body cannot produce it on its own. More than a hundred studies have already been conducted on the importance of vitamin C in the body. And each of them confirms its significance and advantages. Excellent sources of ascorbic acid are oranges, lemons, grapefruits, green vegetables, bell peppers, berries, papaya, pineapple and others.

Magnesium and calcium for healthy sleep

These two trace elements are dependent on each other. With a lack of magnesium, calcium is poorly absorbed. They both calm nerves well and play a vital role in muscle relaxation. Both of these functions are necessary to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and help relieve body tension. This means that both minerals have a beneficial effect on healthy sleep. With increased muscle tone and tension, it is difficult for a person to fall asleep. He needs to relax and calm down first in order to fall asleep soundly. It is difficult for some people to achieve this balance. In this case, magnesium is simply necessary. Its well—known sources are whole wheat, almonds, beans and spinach.

Calcium is better known to the general public as a vitamin that strengthens bones. But experts often call it a natural tranquilizer that helps reduce stress, anxiety and tension, relaxes the mind and body before going to bed. A sufficient level of calcium in the body promotes rapid falling asleep and deep, serene sleep. Excellent sources of this mineral are: milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, soy, sesame, spinach and salmon.

The secret of green tea

Theanine is an amino acid that is commonly found in green tea. It is believed that it stimulates the production of hormones in the brain responsible for the calm of the nervous system and the production of some important neurotransmitters. Green tea is also useful for its pronounced antioxidant properties, which make it possible to cope with free radicals, which tend to disrupt the normal functioning of the body. In addition to the presence of theanine, green tea has other properties that have no less benefits. It calms the nerves, activates the metabolism even during sleep and helps maintain a healthy weight.

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